Clown Meat Demo!
A high speed platformer with addictive gameplay, Clown Meat only has a demo out right now but is already showing tons of promise!
Taking place in an accurate depiction of Seattle, you play as the titular Clown Meat running and rolling through the city and hanging out with the colorful locals.
Being just a demo for a now, there isn't much of a story to talk about and for what story was shown I'd rather save for a review of the full game. But, what little bits we were given seem very very interesting.
The gameplay itself is similar to Super Meat Boy with tons of replayability as you try to get new records and unlock medals in each level. It's fun retrying levels and finding out how to beat your previous best. Clown Meat has the ability to invert into a meatball allowing you to build momenentum on slopes to launch yourself forward at very high speeds.
I spent the better part of an hour replaying levels trying to get a gold medal, and there was nothing more satisfying than perfectly hitting a slope in this game and beating your old record.
I really enjoy the look of this game too. Everything feels gross, and I mean that in a cool way. The city is decorated in graffiti, theres weird clown creatures everywhere, cartoony blood and guts, and even the humans look weird. It's a very nice contrast to Clown Meats naive and optimistic attitude about everything and I hope this contrast will play into the further story! Also this needs to play into the lore too:
The full game is coming out later this year, and just from what I've seen in the demo I'm very exicited. It's about an hour long and you can play it for free right now!