Exhibit of Sorrows
Exhibit of Sorrows is a short and enjoyable point and click game about a clown mueseum. Lets read the descriptiong real quick
"You arrive at a curious circus-themed exhibit. Music is playing faintly in the background. The exhibits are interactive. Explore, enjoy, and do not upset the clown."
Guess who upset the clown?
Quick content warning: this game has some gorey stuff
The game greats you with a colorful room and some helpful instructions! Lets take a look around at this wonderful exhibit!

Now I have a very unique technique when it comes to point and click games. This is a Fish Gaming Strat so pay attention! I like to click EVERYWHERE. So thats what I did! I clicked like my life depended on it! I clicked on the exit, I clicked on the switch, I clicked on the music box, and then I clicked it again, then I clicked-

Oh no...

Ok well, no worries! Lets go onto the exhibit
Our first clown is Mr. Floaty! I clicked (expertly) and blew him up like a balloon. I collect a key and go to the next room.

Thats the pattern for the game. Enter a room, interact with the clowns, collect a key, move on!
Alls going well until this guy shows up...

Pretty sure thats the clown we saw up front! He even shows up again!

Listen, man I'm only honking your nose once.

Alright, got the key and-OK OK I'LL HONK YOUR NOSE SOME MORE!
Welp, now its all dark...We have to go back and clean up the exhibits now and then we can head o-

So I guess we gotta go all the way back! Now this is the part of the game wehre things actually get pretty distrubing...
We head back to our good friend Mr. Floaty and instead of just blowing him up until he floats, I had to keep pumping air into the balloon clown until he popped...

Yeah, I'd say the real horror doesn't come from the clown thats trapping you but rather what you're forced to do to each clown as you walk back down the exhibit again.
Eventually you make it to the end, and meet back up with the Jack in the Box but this time

Dw, we can still go on and in the final room we-

Ok NOW we can leave!

Yeah, goodbye ya freak
A short adventure (took me about 10 minutes), but pretty interesting overall. Shoutout to the artist Theresa Kao for the art. The art in this game was the highlight for me! Each clown design was just so unique and the final Jack in the Box encounter was so fun to watch!
As for the gameplay, its clear this game was made to be pretty simple which I think is just fine. Its quite literally supposed to just be an interactive exhibit! Its pretty enjoyable if you want something creepy to play late at night but dont wanna have to get too deep into a big game!