Issue #1!

Heeeere we go!
Today, I am starting the Fish Sonic Archie Reviews (working title)!
And of course we're gonna start off with issue #1!
Believe it or not, there were some pilot issues before this one, but let’s not worry about those! At least not for now ;)
So this is where it all starts! Every crazy thing you've heard about this comic series starts right here! We are about to enter a world full of war and drama and chaos and-
Ok I'll stop goofing around, this comic starts off pretty simple! The earlier archie comics have a more cartoony tone to them. There’s constant puns, silly facial expressions, and there’s really no big storyline being set up... yet. Anyways, let’s meet the Freedom Fighters!

We begin with the story "Meet Me at the Corner of Hedgehog & Vine!" and it’s a pretty nice start!
We open with Egg- I mean Robotnik hitting a Sonic pinata (told you this starts goofy) As usual he's been having trouble defeating the blue hedgehog, but a swatbot comes in holding a strange plant... The bot explains that this is a Krudzu, a robotic plant that can grow insanely fast! Robotnik then orders a burrobot to go and plant these seed in the Great Forest.
We then jump over to the secret underground village, Knothole which is right in the Great Forest. We're introduced to Antoine, Sally and of course Sonic The Hedgehog. Antoines got a pretty obvious crush on Sally and decides to go above ground to go grab her some flowers. That’s sweet! But, hey remember that Krudzu? Sonic and Sally here a scream from above and rush outside to find Antoines been tied up by these vines!

They’re able to get home and Boomer (we love him) helps them pull the remaining vines off.

Lets go Denji! I mean Boomer!
Tails then sees a bucket of these vines and thinking that they are real plants, decides to water them. The rest of the Freedom Fighters panic before seeing that the water actually caused the plants to short circuit! Now that they know these plants are machines, they just simply let a rainstorm take care of the invasive vines above.

A bit of a simple end but hey we're just getting started! A lot of these earlier issues are like this but I promise soon you'll be wanting to return to some more simple and straight forward plotlines... Besides, stories like these kinda have a weird slice of life feel to them :) If life is living in a world control by a mad scientist... you get what I mean.
Now let’s get on to our second main story for the issue, "You Bet My Life"!
We open with the Freedom Fighters having trouble folding up a map, so they call in Sonic to fold it. A superpowered hedgehog being asked to do small tasks is honestly what we need more of.

Boomer then explains that they were pinpointing where Robotnik was making a big speech, right in Casino Night Zone! This is the first appearance of an in-game location in the comics! I'm just noting this because the Archie comics are pretty well known for making its own world that doesn’t include too much from the games. But to be fair at this time only two Sonic games were out, so the writers really had to make up a lot of stuff! Trust me, later on we are going to see a LOT more of the video games coming into the comics.

Anyways, Sonic runs over to Casino Night Zone where Robotnik is planning on showcasing his brand new badnik, the Orbinaut! I always liked the design of these guys... just some spinny ball guys. Sonic managed to sneak into the casino and Robotnik catches him in the audience. He then directs Orbinaut to knock that mf out.

Spin your orbs in the golden ratio! Then you should have the ability to harness the power of infinity!!!!
When Sonic wakes up, he finds himself in a pinball (pinball mention!). Robotnik loads him into the pinball machine and plays a nice game of Sonic Spinball. After being bounced around like that, Sonic decides it’s time to break out. It's to tight in the ball for a spindash, so he settles for just cutting the glass with his spines

You'd think with all the rolling he does he would have a tolerance to this...
The next time Robotnik tries to launch the ball it shatters, and Sonic is able to break free! We then see him run out as a bomb he planted explodes and destroys the Casino. Sonic the Hedgehog and his famous ability of bombing! Ok but fr I love that he bombs the place. The Archie comics show that the Freedom Fighters really are masters of guerrilla tactics and honestly, that makes sense. After all, this is a group of teenagers fighting against a dictator.

Welp! That’s issue #1! But we aren't done yet! There’s some extra stuff in these comics :D
There’s some extra shorts at the end but aren’t part of the story and just serve as jokes.

Now I don’t plan on doing food reviews, but honestly this recipe sounds really good and maybe I'll try it out and share my thoughts here ;)

Anyways! My final thoughts. The Archie comics clearly take a lot from the SATAM tv show but then take the tone of the AoSTH show. That might seem like it’s just copying, but stick around and you'll see just how unique this series is gonna get!